Tuesday, December 30, 2008

With a little help from my friends

What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you drag my ass around a park for six miles? Yep, that is what my friends did last night.

You see, months and months ago, I said I was going to walk/run the mini-marathon coming up in 2009. My husband said if I could do six miles by the end of the year, he would do it with me. The kicker here is that my husband knows I am a chronic starter then stopper. I'm sure he thought he would just make the offer and be done with it. He apparently underestimated my girls.

December 28 had come and gone and I had only done about four and a half miles since the offer had been made. During the weekend, we had plans to make the six mile walk, but those plans were thwarted by my overwhelming urge to well, not do it. December 29 was my first day back at work after a week of festivities when I get a call from my favorite mayo mistress Kerri. She lets me know that we are doing the six miles tonight. In all honesty, her call interupted me trying to think of reasons not to go to weight lifting class. I'm pretty sure that was God laughing at me.

I get to Seneca Park where I am met by mayo mistress Kerri, Halladay Celebration and TJ Brooker(showing off her new super cute red hat she got for Christmas.) Later, Heidi the Norweigan bikini team model and Harris Bueller show up with Hunter the wonder puh-pay. We were a full on crew. I was ready to give up after mile two. My girls weren't having it. They pulled my Polipino ass exactly six miles. I have the toe blister to prove it.

Afterwards we headed to my place where my husband showered us with sweet and savory treats. He started with popcorn and followed it up with soup, salad and sandwiches with some mulled cider to wash it down. Soon after, apples and caramel dip with wine. Just when we couldn't take any more, cookies and milk. We were practically begging for mercy by the time he brought out warm apple pie a la mode.

By about midnight my husband tucked me into bed and I fell into a really deep sleep almost immediately. But before I enjoyed my much earned slumber, I reflected on what my friends have done for me. According to this morning's measurements, since October 17, I have lost 1/2 inch on my arms, 3 1/2 inches on my waist, 4 inches on my hips, and 1 and 1/2 inches on my thighs. I'm so blessed to be surrounded by people who cheer me on through my tiniest accomplishments and never judge me for the largest of failures. They make me want to be a better me. They push me to do my best. What they don't know is that if they keep this up, we'll be the same size and I'll be stealing all those bitches' clothes. That's right Miss "Let's sprint the last quarter mile." That Prada skirt is practically in my closet already. Rekinize.


Anonymous said...

Go, Kitty! 6 miles! Very impressive.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and the next time you get little frozen sweat drops on the ends of your hair, you should totally save them. Either bottle and sell them here or turn them over to Johns Hopkins. Those babies might cure something.

Unknown said...

Hooray for power-walking Polipinos! We were very happy to help. And you really didn't complain that much. Ha ha, now Jeremy has to do 13.1 miles with you! Don't worry, we have plenty of time to get ready! The first training meeting is Tuesday, Jan. 6. And you get a free t-shirt!

Maisy said...

Good for you, Kat! That rules. Did you have a little help from other friends (liquor) to recover from this?

On a side note, imagine the horror of doing a spontaneous six mile (or so) walk because you couldn't find your way out of the maze that is Cherokee park. I now stick to smaller parks, just in case.

Skyjin said...

You always make me laugh, I miss that. I'll try and do more of that or 2009 and save the gym for 2010. I am so impressed with the walk I think I would have crawled back in a warm bed. Keep up the walking it healthy so they say.