Sunday, May 31, 2009

It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday

Lately things have been a bit tense in Polipino land. We have been in brutal negotiations for our first house and it has taken its toll. The bright and sunny side is that we have a contract in the works and now are crossing our fingers that all else goes well. I've already started getting excited. My instincts tell me to pack up everything and get ready. My husband tells me to stop being crazy.

So I packed a box of books. Simple and easy to undo. It put the demons in my head to rest for the day. I also put a beloved Phantom of the Opera snow globe in the goodwill box. My aunt gave it to me when I was 15. I fell in love with it when I saw it at the San Francisco Music Box Company. It was full of beautiful glitter and played "Music of the Night." One year later, my aunt sent it to me for my birthday. Even though I've outgrown snow globes, it still makes me smile. I am hoping that it will soon make someone else smile.

The next piece I have decided to purge is my first piece of professionally frame art. I grew very fond of Michael Parkes' work in college. Some of my favorite prints were just a little too disturbing for me to keep in my bedroom. I opted for this one.

I put it up for sale on craig's list. The print alone is worth $40. I paid to have it professionally framed in college. That's right, in college. Those were the days that I sold blood to buy dinner, but I paid to have this bad boy professionally framed. It was a very big deal for me. That is why I'm selling it instead of just giving it away.

I won't lie. I've got a bit of a heavy heart about it. It has been hanging above my bed for more than 10 years. I'll miss it, but the husband wants to look at something new. I guess I can understand that. Ah marriage. The great compromise.

I know that I'm going to have to purge more as we get ready for the big move. I knew that those two things would probably be the hardest, so I just ripped it off like a band-aid. Here's to the future.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Here we go again

So we finally got that nonsense of running, scratch that, limping through the mini marathon. So what's next? Running for real a mini marathon. My gal pals are gearing up for some full on marathon action. I'm proud as can be of them, but my goals are set on keeping a pace for another mini. We start training at the end of June, but because I am so far behind them, I'm starting a bit early.

By the end of June the goal is to be able to run four miles comfortably. Right now, I can run about 2 miles uncomfortably. If the end of June comes and I'm running four miles uncomfortably, so be it as long as I can run it.

Over the past few days, I've been really stressed out, so I've been turning to an evening jog to work out my grief. It has been working pretty well as the world seems like a calmer place after a few miles. I have also found out that if I just tone down the jogging and don't try to win any speed races, I can actually do more than I thought I could. I have been pushing too hard and running out of steam too quickly. I will have to build that endurance, but Rome was not built in a day!