Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Puppies from heaven

I'm feeling kind of sad right now. My aunt had to put down a much loved pet a few hours ago. His name was Butch and he was very much part of our family. My aunt didn't have kids, but she had Butch, and that was more than enough.

I remember as a teenager wrestling with Butchy in the living room. His stinky puppy breath. His big floppy ears slapping at my face. During chilly Christmas seasons, I would snuggle up to his warm barrel body and he'd snuggle right back. Photobucket

He loved playing, naps in the sun and bacon. You gotta respect that. We'll miss you buddy.


Anonymous said...

Aww, he looks like he was a cutie.

He will fit right in at Puppy heaven.

Unknown said...

Hey pretty girl,

Send me an email. I am working on a doc and think you might be able to help out!!


Miss you,


Jessica Marie said...

That's really sad :(