Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bring It!

This morning I discovered that my kitteh has super powers. She slept next to me last night. At about 6:30 a.m., my eyes popped open and I was ready for my day. Seeing this, super hero kitteh nuzzled me with her face. I put my hand on her and the soft fuzzy cuteness sucked the energy right out of my body. I was down for the count. Two hours later, my eyes open again and I have to go to the bathroom. This time, she puts her paw on my face. It is warm and I can almost hear the power drain from my limbs. I'm out again for another hour and a half. It was amazing I didn't wet the bed. Now I know that if given the choice, my kitteh will use her powers for evil, just like her mom.

I really didn't want to exercise today and super power kitteh was not helping. Road block #2. I called Brooklyn to see if we were running today. She said it was too cold. Oh boy, she was right. I can't really blame her.

It is about 21 degrees with some nasty winds and I just finished my three mile run/walk. Woo hoo! I still can't feel the front of my thighs and my face has some pretty ugly wind burn, but hey, I made it!

I decided to go to the store and pick up some essentials like gingerbread spice tea, you know, for emergencies. I noticed the lack of sidewalks in my neighborhood as well as a certain lack of regard for pedestrians is ever present in the land of Plainview. At one point I had to lean forward and force my way through the icy gusts. I had to laugh to myself as I remembered my mother telling me of a similar trek to school in the Michigan snow, but I believe her journey was uphill both ways, or so she said.

The exercise gave me a bounce and vigor for the day. My fellow Walgreens shoppers did not share it. They complained about the cold and the traffic and part of me wanted to let them know that I had to walk farther than the parking lot and traffic on foot is worse, but I digress. Venus razor blades are on sale. Score!

I realized on my walk home, carrying a bag full of things I didn't need and a gallon of milk that every little bit makes me stronger and healthier.

My husband was inspired by my efforts when I got home, so he strapped on his gloves, hat and jacket and headed out for a walk. Look at me being all inspirational. I will reward myself with some gingerbread spice tea and a nap with my super hero kitteh.


Anonymous said...

I'm cold just reading about this. You go girl.

Anonymous said...

You carried a whole gallon of milk in the freezing cold? Kitteh's not the only one with super powers.