Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Fat Ass Day

Today we will celebrate eating way too much and planning to spend way too much tomorrow during Black Friday adventures. Yay! If you are my friends TJ Brooker and Halladay Celebration, you are working. Boo!

Last night we all got together to celebrate finishing boot camp. What better way to commemorate a healthier lifestyle than to go to Morton's and gorge ourselves with steak. My friend Renee teased that she had fried turkey at her house when I dropped her off. I told her the only way I could fit it in my dress after dinner was if she shoved it up my ass. She politely declined.

I know that this day is where amateurs sit on the sidelines and have a sliver of turkey breast with no gravy and a side salad. Eff those guys. This is the day where I really shine. I'm currently deciding which "eatin dress" I'll be strapping on for the festivities. It has to look semi nice but have enough elastic to make it to the pumpkin pie stretch. I should just get over it and buy a maternity dress for this day. For those not paying attention, no I am not pregnant.

I got up this morning and ran, eh hem, walked 2 miles. My shins were on fire the entire time. There has to be a better way. Blargh. My left foot keeps cramping up. I'll have to do some stretching before hitting the stores tomorrow. I won't be beat out of a Spiderman action figure by a soccer mom who thinks she has Black Friday down. Rekinize.

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