Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Believe it or not, I'm running

I forgot to post yesterday. We did yoga for boot camp in a chilly church. Brooke and Jesse were deeply impressed with my ability to stick my head up my own ass. That means I'm flexible, yo.

Anyway, today was a giggle day. Perhaps we were all laughing to keep ourselves warm in the 25 degree weather. Nope, it wasn't a typo. 28 freakin bone chilling degrees. The coaches kept us moving with hurricane stations. We took turns yelling encouragement or um, heckling in my case, at each other.

I got a flu shot yesterday and my arm was a little sore, but we powered through that stations and each time we finished a set, we were to jog down to the fountain and back. Jessie called out "alright let's go" and suddenly I started just running. I was passing and weaving through fellow boot campers like I was a Mercedes in traffic. Brooke said it looked like I was being chased. It felt really good to finally be the first one to finish something. My heart tried to fly out of my chest, but I think before it cracked my rib cage, it must have realized it was way colder outside my body.

Today I have my body assessment after work to find out if I have lost any weight or inches since joining boot camp. Wish me luck!

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