Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Back in the Saddle

I'm back at boot camp. I was still half asleep on my drive there this morning. My mom used to let me stay home when history was made. With the new president-elect, I could have totally used a "stay at home" pass today.

I don't think the Boot Camp coaches got the memo. We did a little warm up and then they handed us cards with a list of exercises. My began with jumping jacks. I thought that had to be the worst of it until I noticed my next direction was to run down to the fountain and back. Toe taps, knee skips, high steps, jump rope. I thought this wave of torture would never end.

My body started to revolt. My head felt dizzy, which was quasi amusing as I ducked and jumped from one side of a volley ball net to the next. I was waiting to misjudge my step and clothesline my face on the net. That would have been true comedy in the morning.

The card read Circuit 2x. When I finished the second time through, I felt like an angel had touched my hand and said "it's ok little one, follow us, you can come home now." Nope, that was definitely my imagination. I hear the coach say "grab some water, start it over again."

I wanted to shake her and say "Don't you know we elected a black president!? That means I should be in bed eating cereal and watching the news!" I don't think she would have understood.

There are lots of mixed emotions about the presidential election. I think we had two good men running and one of them won. That is good enough for me. Perhaps I could borrow some of that hope they keep talking about as tomorrow's boot camp promises to be a tough one.


Jessie said...

Yeah, I know something's wrong with me when ... I hear the three minute warning and I've got three stations left in my third circuit and somehow I get all Rocky and determined to finish the whole thing. I almost threw up when I was finished. But we did it ... and tomorrow Junkyard Day. It's my fave!!

Kat said...

Junkyard day. Hmmm, does that mean I get to bring junk food snacks?