Sunday, August 17, 2008


I am a chronic starter stopper. It's just me. Depending on how much time I let lapse between my attempts at fitness, my meter of hate for exercises varies.

I had my two days off so I knew I had to go to spinning today. It was a hard one. My husband remarked as I walked through the door with a drenched t-shirt and sopping wet hair that it must have been tough.

Endurance spinning challenged me with high resistance hills with interval sprints. The music was good, the instructor did what she could to keep our spirits high, she even blared my all time favorite Journey song. I hated the class all the way through. The hate-o-meter was blaring hard at a nine, quite possibly 10.

However, when I got in my car and started to drive away, I started feeling really great. My mood was happy and despite soaking through my towel onto the seat of my car with workout sweat, I was really ready to start the day. I guess the hardest classes to overcome reap the most benefit. The sandwiches I made for my husband and I with turkey bacon, egg, cheese, lettuce, tomato and avocado didn't hurt either.

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