Thursday, February 5, 2009


That is the sound of my fat ass falling off the wagon.

Sure I have some awesome excuses like the terrible sickness I got right before I went to the inauguration, the massive ice/snow storm that brought the smack down to Mrs. Gallagher's neighborhood, TJ Brooker forcing me kicking and screaming to Red Lobster, you know, the usual. I need to focus.

I have invested in an ipod nano and a nifty little chip that tells me how far I have gone, how fast and the like. I haven't used it yet, because I'm a slacker. My husband always says that I don't feel like I have committed to something unless I spend money, and then I don't follow through. This is just another example of me proving him right. I'm pretty sure that is why he keeps me around.

I'm crossing my fingers that tonight will be the night I will kick myself in the ass and head to the gym. I'm hoping all the New Year's resolution bastards are gone. They make me want to kick puppies.


Jessica Marie said...

Do you work out in the mornings or just at night?

I've been trying to work out in the mornings and it is sucking majorly.

Usually I eat breakfast with Reid and then when he leaves I go back to sleep instead of working out...

Such is the life.

Anonymous said...

The new years resolutioners do suck. I hated when I took yoga and they showed up in Jan. I mean if you aren't going to stick with it then do not come to my class and get in the way.