Saturday, June 27, 2009

Call it Out

Sometimes I forget how much positive reinforcement can do. Today was the first long run of marathon training. Mind you, last week, Halladay and I went around Iroquois park for five miles, but it was all walking. Today, it was intervals, and I was alone.

I loaded up my ipod and got ready to sweat. I mapped out a route in my neighborhood that would get me to my goal. The first two miles weren't bad and I was feeling pretty good about myself.

Mile three was the tough one for me. The heat made my head feel like it was on fire. Bugs were acting as mini kamakaze fighters diving at my face. The salt from my forehead sweat was burning my eyes. I had a moment of "what am I doing? I can't believe I agreed to do this. I'll never make it." That is when I passed a girl heading to a party I had just passed by. I smiled and her and said "hello."

Her response was an enthusiastic "Get it girl!" I flashed a toothy grin and started to jog. I don't think this complete stranger knew that she pushed me past a moment when I wanted to give up.

I've had moments before where I've seen runners struggling and I want do call out "you can do it!" I've shied away from it before. I won't again. If you see someone out in the heat pushing to run or walk or bike or whatever, cheer them on. It really does help.


DPA said...

Go get 'em, li'l one! :)

Unknown said...

That's awesome. : )

Jessica Marie said...

That's really great :D I'm so glad that she was there right when you needed her!

Jessie said...

Everything happens for a reason ... that girl just proved that.