Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It's too hot, too hot lady

Anyone who has been outside in the past week knows about the steamy weather. Growing up in Arizona, it used to frustrate the crap out of me when people said 110 degrees was ok because it was a "dry" heat. I now know the difference. However, I will not let my fellow Southern summer sufferers out that easy.

Today the temps soared into the 90's. The muggy 90's. I got into my car and it was miserable. I felt like I had a film on my skin. The air felt heavy in my lungs. I was a pool of sweat before my beloved AC could help. I grabbed the steering wheel and it was uncomfortably hot. I went on my merry way.

Now in the desert, the scenario is a bit different. You would have approached the car and played a game of either use your shirt to guard your hand from the hot door handle or the quick grab and pray that it doesn't take skin. As soon as the door would open, a wave of heat would pour out of the car, very similar to taking a cake out of a hot oven. It burns your skin a little, but not enough to make you yell. You will need your voice when you actually get in the car if you haven't put up your sun shade. If you don't feel the seat cooking the flesh right off your ass, it is because that pain is muted by the third degree burns you have from touching the steering wheel or seatbelt without the spare pair of socks you keep beneath the seat just for this occasion. You dive for the AC button and wonder why the heat didn't melt the plastic knobs right off the dashboard. A blast of molten hot air burst out of the vents. Stsssssstsststss. That is the sound of your face sizzling and melting off like the nazi dudes in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Welcome to the desert baby. That's the "dry" heat you've been hearing all about. Consider that the next time you tell someone from the desert how hot it is.

That being said, summer sucks. Didn't like it in the desert. Don't like it here. One is not better than the other, or really worse for that matter. It all sucks. I just went for a little two mile run as the sun started to go down. Even though the day is getting cooler, I could only sigh and count the days until fall.

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