Friday, October 31, 2008

In a New York Minute

Today at boot camp we were encouraged to come in costume. The challenge was to find a costume that is fun, but was exercise friendly. I decided to skim my closet and I found my favorite pair of pj pants that have I heart NY all over them.
Here is a pic, it is a little hard to see, but you get the jist.
I also remembered getting a I heart NY t-shirt, because let's face it, that is what you do when you go to NYC. Here is me and my buddy Jessie. She was a hula girl.
And then I drew a clock on my face.

Voila! I was a New York minute. I didn't win the most creative costume (it went to the team captain who came as Captain Crunch) but it was fun. The coaches dressed up like Hans and Frans from SNL and did a little skit for us. It seemed like boot camp was off to a great start. It was even a little warmer than usual. By warmer, I mean 38 degrees. Dare I say balmy 38 degrees?

Then we got to running the mile test. I started off confident and about 20 seconds into it, a fierce side cramp almost stopped me in my tracks. WTF? We hadn't even started. I feared I would be the absolute last one drudging past the finish line on my hands and knees weeping quietly and panting for dear life.

I heard people finishing and their times were 9 minutes, 10 minutes. I could feel that really heavy sticky spit in the back of my throat. It reminded me of the taste I get in my mouth when I get a bloody nose.

I pushed on digging deeper and deeper, fighting through the fire in my lungs, the ache in my legs. It helped that the woman behind me was dressed as a clown. Seriously. Imagine being chased through a dark park by a clown. I finished with a 13:05 mile. May not be impressive for most, it is definitely not a New York Minute, but it is probably the best mile I've ever done in my life. Holla.

Happy Halloween!!

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