Thursday, October 30, 2008

I wanna tackle somethin

I missed boot camp yesterday because of early morning work related activities. I would like to tell you I went to the gym to make up for it, but that would be a lie.

Instead I went to Target and bought my husband the new Command and Conquer for our 1st anniversary present. Fitting, huh? I had a bowl of pasta with tomatoes and worked on a scarf that I have been knitting him for about 5 years now. Even though our anniversary is on Monday, we will be celebrating this Saturday. I am crossing my fingers that it will be done and I can surprise him.

Boot camp this morning was beyond cold. My car thermometer read 34 degrees. The whole rigamarole about getting used to this was a damn lie I tell you. My nose started running, but because it was so freakin cold, the snot seemed to just become ice in my nostril. I'm just sayin.

Today we worked on agility. It seemed to be a lot of things that football players do during practice in movies. I know jack about sports, so we'll leave it at that. Side shuffles, small hurdles, quick steps into rings and ladders laying on the ground, more side shuffles and of course, sprints. I think they should have had a tackling station. During cool down as I saw steam rising off my face I thought how funny it would be to tackle someone randomly. Being that I am constantly starving these days, I may just tackle someone on the street to work out some aggression.

1 comment:

Organic Meatbag said...

Good stuff! I think you ought to run up and tackle somebody and then scream that you have been ordered by the ghost of Richard Nixon to destroy all children of Satan, starting with him...
It will give the unlucky victim a story to tell their co-workers, children, and grandchildren for the rest of their life...