Thursday, April 2, 2009

No One Likes a Quitter

I'm a quitter. A totally quit-miester. A big ol' quitter face.

No worries though, as I am not sad. I am officially an EX-member of my gym. I have to say, I have done more exercising with my workout group since October than I have done in the 5+ years I belonged to a gym.

I was a bit nervous as gyms have a tendency to make you feel bad when quitting. They give you the disappointed eyes. The sighs that really say "so you want to be a big, dopey, unmotivated loser, eh?" At the end, you usually end the session with signing a new contract with a promise to yourself and them that you will come and work out more. We all know, this lasts for about a week.

This time I was prepared. I knew I was not giving up on my heath or exercise. I was giving up a $35 monthly charge for a place I visited on occasion. I used to hate exercising outside, and now the thought of being on a treadmill for 5 miles makes me ill. I am done.

I met with the manager and told him I was quitting for financial reasons. In this economy, it isn't far from the truth. Honestly, in any economy, wasting money on that every month is just silly.

Tah dah. Just check me out, all Quitty McQuitterton.


Jessie said...

I like quitters. : )

Maisy said...

I like 'em, too. Plus, the gym is a miserable place to be when it's all sunny outside, which it will be sometime soon.

I'm proud of you and your motivation. I'll need to channel it after I have this baby. :)