Monday, April 13, 2009

Never say Never

Back when I was a news producer, I remember covering the races. I would nestled down into my comfy control room chair and say "you will NEVER see me getting up early to run 10 miles!"

You get where I'm going with this? This weekend, I broke another "I'll never." It was the Papa John's 10-miler. I actually didn't pay and was a rogue walker. I'm such a rebel. Holla.

There was no running involved. Harris Bueller was my walking partner for 10 grueling miles. He is quite a bit taller with his legs beginning a good 14 inches before mine. He was sans toenail due to an unfortunate moving accident a week or two ago. Despite his injury, he kept a brisk pace and worked my little Polipino stems all I could to keep up.

Moral of this story: I'm a big ol liar face. I wonder what my next "I'll never" will be on the chopping block. I'm hoping Check us out at the finish line.



Jessica Marie said...

that's really awesome kat.. i don't think i could ever do that ;)

Anonymous said...

Alexa and I are beaming with pride.

Zaina said...

such a good feeling, accoplishing "i nevers"

Jessie said...

Have I ever told you you're my hero? You're everything I can hope to be? You are the wind beneath my wings.