For those who don't know, here is a picture of King Pigeon Pose. It is a little more advanced. You can do regular pigeon pose sitting up straight and not bending the other leg.

But back to the task at hand. We are laughing at Cari. Just a little history for your pleasure. Cari and I were roommates in college. Some people golf. Some people collect stamps. My favorite hobby was to torment my dear roommate.

Once I drove home early from vacation just to hide in our apartment and scare the crap out of her. I came home and heard her taking a shower. I tip toed to the bathroom, and scratched at the door. She yells out "Helloooo? Is someone there?" Silence. I did it again. "HELLO?!" I could hear the terror in her voice rising. She opened the door and stuck her head into the hallway with another whispered "hello?" I dove behind a wall and waited. When enough time had passed, I ran to the door and banged on it. She screamed so hard I think the neighbors heard. The quick pounding of her feet told me she was doing the girly scream dance on the other side of the door in the buff. That my friends, is what dreams are made of.

I'm Gaia Nu Nu and my mom is mean.
Before I die, I have to learn that Yoga pose where you sorta sit tailor style and lift yourself up with your hands and stay there like it ain't no thang.
As for offspring hobbies...I used to think Brangelina was really awesome with their litter of four...but the whole baby twin thing that took the brood to four...that's just fucking showin' off.
took the brood to six!!! My mentally retarded alter ego took over.
Oh, the story gets better. I was home alone when we had received a crank call at 6 am that morning (a heavy breather) and I called you in Yuma and woke you up to ask frantically, "Do you know anyone who would do such a thing?", to which you laughed so hard you could hardly breathe and replied, "everyone I know!!" So, I thought it was the crank caller was coming to murder me, but no...it was my roommate...which was just as scary. And let me tell you, no one should scream like that naked. It's just not right.
As you probably know, the majority of the funny moments in my life have your stamp all over them. This basically means I need to come visit you more often to ensure that I have more of them. : ) Love ya and glad you laughed as hard as I did...yes, at me, not with me.
I recently started doing (prenatal) yoga after never having done yoga before. I can't even manage the freakin' tree pose without falling over. That pigeon pose looks atrocious.
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